"I talked myself out of it so many times, now I wish I’d had the confidence to join in straight away, the difference you make is amazing, I feel so much more positive & able to cope."

National Macmillan ‘Integration Excellence Award’ Winner (2022)

In 2022 RHL was honoured to win the prestigious national Macmillan ‘Integration Excellence Award” for our hugely successful Berkshire West Cancer Champion project. The award recognises individuals and teams who have introduced a new approach to cancer support.

The project has shown phenomenal results, with communities now feeling that they have a voice, while data shows an increase in both screening uptake and early diagnosis. Click here to read more about the project.

EU award ‘Innovation In Ageing’ (2014)

In 2014 our hugely successful Big Lottery funded ‘Age No Barrier’ project was nominated for the highly prestigeous EU “Social Innovation in Ageing” Award. We were one of only two British projects that made the top 20!

The project used a Duke Of Edinburgh style award scheme where older adults were supported to set and achieve goals under four strands (volunteering, learning a new skill, achieving a physical challenge and undertaking a personal challenge). 677 people undertook activities with 597 awards achieved.  Huge increases in self confidence, mental resilience and peer support were seen as well as substantial decreases in social isolation.


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© 2025 RHL - Charity Number: 1105381 Tel: 01252 957 430 / admin@rhl.org.uk  
5 Alexandra Terrace, Alexandra Road, Aldershot, Hampshire, GU11 3HU
Site Designed & Maintained by Enhanced Designs