Current RHL Projects (April 2020)
Exercise Classes for Older Adults:
Improving quality of life…improving physical health…preventing illness…reducing loneliness and isolation…improving mental wellbeing…reducing social isolation…offering peer support…enabling older adults to remain independent and in their own homes for longer…reducing the risk of hospital re-admissions…encouraging long-term behavioural change…supporting people to better manage long-term conditions…improving self-esteem & self-confidence…Current Classes (timetables on main page):
Cardiac Rehabilitation, Pilates, Seated Exercise, Seated Pilates, Pulmonary Maintenance, Dance, Seated Dance, Health Circuits incl Cancer rehabilitation, Steady and Strong and all classes Get Togethers at regular intervals
Macmillan Cancer Education and Support Project
Partners: Macmillan, Royal Berkshire Hospital and Berkshire West Clinical Commissioning Group
Cancer education and support for those living with cancer across the West Berkshire region. Better awareness of cancer, treatments available and access to support through education and training and utilisation of fully trained community-based Cancer Champions from fully trained Cancer Ambassadors
Desmond Diabetes Programme
Partners: DESMOND, North East Hants and Farnham Clinical Commissioning Group and Frimley park Hospital
Intense training programme for newly diagnosed Nepalese on managing diabetes themselves through practical nutrition and healthy lifestyle classes. Delivered in Nepalese and adapted for easy learning. Equip them with skills to lessen the effects of their condition meaning they are less likely to access health services and A&E through diabetes related health issues. Better quality of life through better physical and mental health
Specially Designed Exercise Classes for Wheelchair Users
Partners: Disability Initiative
To encourage wheelchair users to keep fit through exercising together (peer support). Improved physical and mental health through exercise and participation
Namaste Everybody!!
Partners: National Lottery
Reducing loneliness and isolation in older Nepalese Community in Rushmoor (Aldershot and Farnborough) through a programme including exercise, learning local customs, singing (in English), invited speakers, “Street” English sessions (elderly Nepalese find traditional ESOL too difficult). Reduce loneliness and isolation through participation and peer support improving confidence, self- belief, self-esteem and better understanding of English and the community they live in
Strong Together
Partners: Hampshire County Council, Farnborough Library
A project to bring older Nepalis together to develop a social programme through engagement. Service user led solution to problems they face including social care issues when they become less able. Reduce isolation and loneliness through participation , remaining active and building resilience to deal with future issues. Establish a sustainable programme that will fund itself after funding ends.
# I Will
Partners: Hants and Isle of Wight Foundation and University Centre Farnborough
Intergenerational project working with young Nepalis to develop volunteering opportunities supporting older Nepalis and enabling them to help improve the health, quality of life or access to services for the older Nepali community. to get young Nepalis to mix with and support older Nepalis that will benefit both groups young and old Nepalis leading to volunteer opportunities |